10/03/2020 / By Mike Adams
In early March of this year, alt-right indy media outlets and conservative pundits started claiming the coronavirus was a “hoax.” They insisted it was, “No worse than the flu” and claimed no one was really dying from covid. Some publishers and platforms still claim there’s no such thing as a coronavirus and that all the supposed sickness is caused solely by cell towers.
During this time, Natural News has worked tirelessly to try to educate people on the basics of mathematics, statistics, science and virology, encouraging conservatives to take this pandemic seriously. We were highly critical of President Trump’s dismissal of the virus in February, March and April, and we warned that if he didn’t take the pandemic seriously, he would lose the November election.
But instead of taking it seriously, nearly the entire industry of conservative and independent media decided to start attacking masks as “dangerous,” while claiming the virus was “harmless.” While we oppose mandatory masks, we’ve always supported voluntary mask wearing in shared air environments such as elevators, grocery stores and public transportation. Yet the indy media turned against masks and began to invoke the most ridiculous arguments against them, claiming masks can’t help anyone, under any circumstances, and should be rejected by all.
At the same time, the same “usual suspects” across independent, conservative media began claiming almost no one really died from covid-19. They achieved this by twisting and lying about CDC numbers to falsely distort the conclusions. Fox News even ran a graphic rooted in mathematical ignorance (see below) that misrepresented the real risk of covid-19 deaths by two orders of magnitude (a factor of 100). But Fox is too stupid to do math, so nobody was surprised.
Despite the bad math, indy media outlets ran with the Fox graphic, because they were too stupid to fact check anything (and too enthusiastic to claim the virus was a hoax), all while falsely claiming the CDC “admitted” only 6% of covid deaths were actually covid deaths. Again, they know nothing about epidemiology, mathematics or statistics, so they leap to whatever conclusion they want to push, facts be damned. Again, I tried to educate them about real science, but they weren’t interested. See my story, Independent media gets it wrong: 94% of COVID deaths having comorbidity factors does not prove the coronavirus is a “hoax”.
Month after month, we watched as many of the top indy media publishers continued to claim the coronavirus was a “hoax” while they attacked and shamed people who wore masks. Voluntary face masks were called, “face diapers,” and “symbols of slavery.” People were vilified for recommending commonsense precautions, and accurate analysts like myself were disinvited from various platforms and publishers because we refused to claim the virus was a “hoax.” To this day, I refuse to disclaim masks, even as the indy media “mob” demands absolute conformity to anti-mask rhetoric under all circumstances.
Now President Trump has covid-19. Do these same indy, alt-right news outlets and publishers now think Trump is faking it, too?
Do they think presidents are taken to Walter Reed for a flu?
Do they still think covid-19 is a hoax? Even when their own candidate is starting to show more severe symptoms?
Even more worryingly, conservative, alt-right media publishers are so mathematically illiterate — suffering from “stupid-19” — that they still don’t have any clue about Trump’s real chances of dying from this infection. According to the CDC’s newly released data (which were widely misinterpreted by indy media), Trump has a 5.4% chance of dying from this infection, as he’s in the 70+ age group.
You might argue that Trump is obviously receiving better medical care than the average nursing home resident, but on the negative side, Trump is already symptomatic, and the 5.4% fatality rate concerns people who were also asymptomatic, meaning that symptomatic people have already progressed further along the risk spectrum.
Thus, there is a very real change (about 1 in 20) that Trump dies from covid-19. But because they can’t do math, most conservative pundits think Trump’s chances of dying are 0.054%. That’s equivalent to about 1 in 1,850. But the real risk is 1 in 18. So conservatives have no idea how grave this risk really is. Because they can’t do math, they think Trump’s chances of dying are essentially zero.
They aren’t. Trump’s chances of dying are shockingly high, given how much is riding on his survival (i.e. the very future of our nation and perhaps the free world).
Still, to this day, conservative pundits and alt-right media publishers refuse to take this seriously, even for people in the high-risk 70+ age group. Their capacity for self-deception is nothing short of stunning.
Of course, Trump could easily be saved by consuming chlorine dioxide (ClO2) which unleashes a flood of usable oxygen in the blood, but the medical doctors of our era are ignorant and brainwashed by Big Pharma, so they’re treating Trump mostly with drugs that will likely harm him. Never forget that George Washington was killed by the doctors of his era, too, who kept bleeding him out to eliminate evil spirits. (Yes, George Washington was killed by medical doctors.) Eventually he didn’t have enough blood remaining to fight the infection, and he died.
That took place in an era before the discovery of “germs” and microbiology. Yet what’s especially ironic is that today, in 2020, we still have conservative media pundits and publishers who also don’t believe in the Germ Theory. They claim there is no virus and that covid-19 is a “hoax.” It makes me wonder: If they were in charge if treating Trump, would they bleed him to death, too?
Here’s the graphic that Fox News recently published which under-states the covid death risk by two orders of magnitude, even while claiming “CDC.gov” is their source:
As I explained in this recent Natural News article, Fox News is run by mathematically illiterate morons who took the CDC’s risk factor numbers and just slapped a “%” sign on the end, oblivious to how numbers work.
The real risk of death from covid-19 in people aged 70+ years, according to the CDC, is 5.4%, not 0.054%. But as I have also repeated pointed out, trying to teach conservative pundits mathematics is like trying to teach pigeons to play chess. They don’t even have the neurology to handle it. When it comes to math, they are dumber than birds.
Here’s what the CDC actually reports as “Infection Fatality Ratios” based on their “Current Best Estimate,” scenario 5, Table 1, at this url:
0-19 years: 0.00003
20-49 years: 0.0002
50-69 years: 0.005
70+ years: 0.054
Notice, importantly, that the ratio numbers do not contain % signs. That’s because they are ratios, not percents. As anyone who isn’t an idiot already knows, a ratio of 1.0 means 100%. Similarly, a ratio of 0.5 means 50%. Therefore, a ratio of 0.054 means 5.4%.
I have yet to find any prominent conservative or independent media publishers who has bothered to point this out. They don’t care what the numbers actually mean. They just take whatever numbers they dream up, and manipulate them in whatever way best serves their “hoax” narrative.
In contrast, here’s my article that accurately explained the CDC’s numbers and why they reveal the death risk to be extremely low for younger people, but extremely high for the elderly. Trump falls into “the elderly.”
The upshot of all this is that the future of our nation and our world now depends on two totally sketchy things: 1) Mainstream doctors who are “treating” the president with experimental pharmaceuticals that might end up making him worse, and 2) The deadly properties of a biological weapon engineered by China and deliberately launched against the world to destroy Western nations and crush the global economy.
While independent media remains in total denial about the existence of the virus, the mainstream media remains in total denial about its origins. So getting the truth about covid-19 in today’s highly politicized news environment that’s heavily populated by low-IQ idiots is almost impossible.
Truthfully stated, modern human society is too stupid to save itself from its own mad science creations. We have the technical know-how to build deadly weapons of mass destruction, but not nearly enough education to rationally and intelligently deal with those weapons being unleashed upon the world.
The end result of this is, of course, total collapse. That is the only outcome that now seems possible. Human civilization as we know it today will implode in short order, combining a global food collapse with an economic collapse, geopolitical collapse and the collapse of the rule of law. America as you know it is over, and all the loud rantings of alt-right indy media won’t change a thing because they are part of the problem, not the solution.
In today’s twisted world, knowledge is hated. Truth is treason. Rationality is mocked. Reason is abandoned. Nobody has any interest in reality; only in living out their own twisted fantasies in their twisted bubble worlds constructed our of sheer delusion. And this is true on the Right as much as the Left. Shockingly few people can navigate anything in our world today with a sense of critical thinking and legitimate knowledge, and those of us who actually have knowledge are censored or avoided because we don’t espouse the “correct” narrative on the Left or the Right.
America has collapsed into tribal, collectivist idiocy. And there is no coming back from it because the schools don’t even pretend to teach critical thinking skills anymore; they merely push more idiocy and ignorance in the name of “social justice.”
America is fu##ed, in other words. Now it’s only a question of what the collapse looks like and how many millions end up dead before it’s all over. The America you once knew is gone forever, and humanity is too stupid to survive its own irrationality.
Now it’s easy to understand why Deagel.com reports the United States of America will lose 227 million people by the year 2025.
The American people have become too dumbed down to navigate any of the attacks that are being unleashed against them, whether biological, electromagnetic, geopolitical via disinfo media attacks.
The end result is no longer in doubt, and I called in two years ago in my podcasts, stating that America as you know it will cease to exist by 2025.
And many of those who claim to be fighting to “defend” America are actually accelerating its demise through their stupidity and ignorance. Coincidentally, most of those people will be dead by 2025 as well, because they refuse to prepare for reality.
Don’t be among the soon-to-be-dead. Don’t fall into the trap of popular idiocy. Your very survival now depends on your ability to think for yourself while approaching the threats against humanity with a sense of rare rationality. Any failure to recognize reality, at this point, may lead to your demise.
Tagged Under: CDC, coronavirus, covid-19, death rates, fatalities, hoax, indy media, infections, Journalism, lies, national security, outbreak, pandemic, President Trump, propaganda, White House
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