11/29/2023 / By News Editors
“Attention Target shoppers! Get your Gay Santa ornaments and rainbow-festooned Pride Nutcrackers on Aisle Four. And LGBTQ+ Pride Christmas trees are next to the transgender restrooms off Aisle Five.” That may not be an official announcement shoppers will hear at Target stores as we head into the Christmas season, but that is the real message being sent by the corporate wokesters at the mega retail outlet.
(Article by William F. Jasper republished from TheNewAmerican.com)
Target’s decision-makers refuse to back off of their decade-long marketing push for perversion masquerading as “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI). In fact, they’re doubling down. Despite the recent market thrashing the company faced this past summer (and continuing through today) due to customer backlash over its LGBTQ books and clothing for infants and children, Target has come back with a vengeance to offend Christians (and decent-minded non-Christians) with online and in-store merchandise and promotions aimed at queering Christmas, one of the most sacred days on the Christian calendar.
In August, the company announced its first quarterly sales drop in six years, following a hostile reception to its spring “Pride” clothing collection that featured adult “tuck-friendly” transgender swimwear and rainbow-tagged gear that was interspersed among infant and children’s clothing sections. Target CEO Brian Cornell denied in interviews that the pride items were being marketed to children, but it had already been documented in videos that had gone viral on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. The so-called fact checkers at USAToday and other Fake News outlets did their usual routine of covering for the retail giant by citing various social-media posts that were technically incorrect. This was supposed to prove that there was “no ‘there’ there,” and that “right-wing” fanatics were melting down over nothing. Why then did Target pull the evidence from its lineup, as for instance, the “onesie” body suit in “light mint green,” emblazoned with “Bien Proud”? The size is for zero-to-three, as in infant to three-month-old. Doesn’t get much younger than that, does it? The link to that item is still on Target’s website as of this writing, but the page now says: “We’re sorry! This page is currently unavailable. Please try again later.” (Yes, try later, after the hubbub dies down.) Same for this “Pride baby AOP body suit.”
But as we show below, there are still passels of LGBTQ products that haven’t been removed, including many that Target has targeted toward kids. The Daily Mail reported on November 2, 2023, that Target shares, “which peaked at $1.76 in January, had fallen to $1.11 earlier today, wiping $30 billion from the company’s value over the last nine months.” Nevertheless, Target CEO Brian Cornell has given no sign of backing off. Back in May, as the effects of boycotts were growing over Target’s LGBTQ grooming, Cornell said, “I think those are just good business decisions, and it’s the right thing for society, and it’s the right thing for our brand.” Moreover, he insisted, contrary to all the market signals, “The things we’ve done from a DE&I (diversity, equity, and inclusion) standpoint, it’s adding value. It’s helping us drive sales, it’s building greater engagement with both our teams and our guests, and those are just the right things for our business today.” Really? How’s that working out for value so far?
Unlike Anheuser-Busch, which has done some serious re-evaluating since its disastrous Bud Light campaign last April with trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney, Target appears to be obstinately pushing ahead to please the aggressive Rainbow Alphabet Mafia. Anheuser-Busch announced that its chief marketing officer, Benoit Garbe, would be “stepping down” at the end of the year. The company didn’t say he was “fired,” but it was widely recognized that the Garbe/Mulvaney fiasco, which caused phenomenal backlash from Busch’s customer base, was the cause of his departure. It will take more than sacrificing one CMO to win back trust from once-loyal Bud customers. Like many companies, Anheuser-Busch is afflicted with systemic wokeism (see here, here, and here), not only supporting LGBTQ organizations, but boasting about its support for the United Nations’ communistic Sustainable Development Goals and its involvement with the globalist World Economic Forum and the WEF-promoted ESG, DEI standards.)
Target’s “Christmas”: Gay Santas, Drag Queens — and, Yes, Satanic Designers
Target appears to be not even the slightest bit interested in going through the Anheuser-Busch motions of placating its main customer base of middle-class/working class Americans. Instead, it is charging ahead into the LGBTQ wokosphere. So, as Christians the world over begin to enter into Advent in preparation for celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Target is doubling down on sacrilege and its embrace of sexual perversion in defiance of the expressed concerns and sensitivities not only of Christians, but also Jews, Muslims, and non-religious decency-minded folks. Here are some of the “Christmas” products Target is promoting:
Pride Santa — The “Kurt Adler 10-Inch Fabriché Pride Santa” sells for $80. “Part of Kurt Adler’s Fabriché™ collection, this 10-inch Pride Santa is a fun and festive addition to any holiday décor,” says the Target description, adding, “Santa Claus is featured in a Pride colors. He is wearing a white shirt that says “Love is Love,” overalls, and he is also holding a Pride flag in one hand.” How precious!
Pride Christmas Nutcracker Figure — “Bring uplifting flair to your holiday decor with this Pride Nutcracker Figurine from Wondershop™,” Target tells shoppers. “This charming nutcracker figurine with a light purple beard and hair wears a blue and white jacket with golden trim and rainbow lapels, black and blue dress pants, and a rainbow hat, and it also holds a Pride flag in hand.” How Christmassy! And only $12 for this 14-inch figurine!
Twas the Night Before Pride — This children’s picture book is modeled on ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, says Target: “A glittering celebration of queer families puts Pride gently in perspective — honoring those in the LBGTQ+ community who fought against injustice and inequality.” “With bright, buoyant illustrations and lyrical, age-appropriate rhyme modeled on ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas,’” according to the promotional, “it tackles difficult content such as the Stonewall Riots and the AIDS marches.” How appropriately queerful and cheerful for the Holy Day it supposedly commemorates!
Drag Queen Jinkx Monsoon, the “Queen of All Queens” T-shirt — Next to RuPaul, Jinkx Monsoon is likely the most well-known “drag queen” in the world, being the only two-time winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars. (For those who don’t keep up with outré degenerate “culture,” RuPaul is the multi-Emmy-winning star whose Drag Race and other perverse creations are produced by Logo TV, a subdivision of Paramount, and exported to more than a dozen countries.) Target tells shoppers regarding its Jinkx T-shirt that “this light-pink tee features a graphic of actor, singer, comedian and drag queen Jinkx Monsoon along with their name in dark pink lettering.” Jinkx Monsoon (real name Jerick Roman Lamar Hoffer) is a man (although an obviously confused, pathetic one) pretending to be a woman (although an obviously confused, pathetic one) who identifies as “non-gendered” and goes by “they, them” pronouns and is “married” to another man by the name of Michael Abbott.
Jinkx is best known for his professional drag queen partnership with BenDeLaCreme (real name Benjamin Brock Hamlet Putnam). The duo have become famous for their bawdy annual Christmas tours. The Jinkx & Dela Holiday Show tour for 2023 kicked off November 8 in Detroit, and will be making performances across the United States, Canada, and the U.K. throughout the Advent-Christmas season, ending in Vancouver, British Columbia, on December 30. Some of the performances are rated for “18+,” while the kiddie LGBTQ grooming programs are advertised for “All Ages.”
Queering, Blaspheming, Demonizing Christmas
This reviewer has not seen The Jinkx & Dela Holiday Show (nor does he want to or intend to), but there is enough in the brief, sanitized trailers for the show, as well as in numerous videos of the notorious pair online, to get a pretty good idea of the perversion and blasphemy they are dishing out. Briefly, they have a naked, diaper-clad adult posing “comedically” as Baby Jesus in a burlesque Nativity song and dance routine; another song and dance number features a crucified Jesus down from the cross posing onstage with queer dance troupe; in another scene from a Jinkx & Dela Holiday Show trailer we see demonic, horned figures dancing in a darkened background behind the main performers. Add the usual scatological references and jokes about male genitalia, anal sex, and sex-with-anything-and anybody (such as bestiality with the Big Bad Wolf) for which the duo is infamous, and you get a fair picture of the show’s drift.
How, some might wonder, will Jinkz & Dela spin out a “kid-friendly” version of the show for its “All Ages” programs? Jinkx told Newsweek’s Shannon Power that the Christmas show includes “a sexy Krampus getting a lap dance number.” Krampus is the horned, cloven-hoofed, Baphomet-like demon that has been avidly embraced by the LGBTQ “community.” Maybe that fiendish Krampus dance number and similar demonic fare will be omitted from the kiddie version, along with the sexually explicit dances and jokes, but don’t bet on it. As “Drag Queen Story Hours” at schools and libraries across the nation remind us, there is a perverse obsession among many of the transvestite dragsters to corrupt the little ones.
Witches and Demons R’Us
As with so many of the “artists” and fans in the drag demimonde, Jinks and Dela are obsessed (or is it possessed?) with and by the demonic, the occult, and witchcraft. One example: BenDeLaCreme’s “Inferno A Go-Go” video, a garish red production celebrating going to Hell. There’s also the duo’s publicity, which is managed by Witch House Public Relations, which describes itself as “a queer communications agency” with a mission to “Conjure. Manifest. Create.”
A quick perusal of Witch House’s website is enough to confirm initial reasonable suspicions: The PR firm does indeed represent and promote a menacing menagerie of bizarre, perverted, and devilish performers.
Now, as far as we know, Target is not selling tickets to The Jinkx & Dela Holiday Show tour or directly promoting it. However, it is one of the biggest retailers promoting Jinkx Monsoon’s drag queen merchandise. And if Target does not get sufficient pushback from customers and investors, it is not difficult to imagine the company joining the rest of the “woke” corporate Big Business and Big Media in openly endorsing drag into the “new normal.” (Earlier this year, CBS Mornings ran a segment puffing Jinkx Monsoon titled “Breaking Barriers on Broadway: ‘Drag Race’ Star Jinkx Monsoon Makes History In ‘Chicago’ Debut.” In November, Newsweek published a rousing sendoff for the Jinkx & Dela holiday tour titled, “How Two Drag Queens Are Making Christmas Safe for LGBTQ+ People,” by Shannon Power, one of Newsweek’s LGBTQ propagandists masquerading as a reporter. In one of her reports on the Target LGBTQ backlash, Power deceptively gives the impression that it was nasty anti-LGBTQ conservatives who were responsible for bomb threats that caused some Target stores to temporarily close last June. Truth: It was the Sodomy Lobby fanatics who made the threats, because they were furious over Target’s “betrayal” of the LGBTQ cause by capitulating to public pressure, which amounted to merely pulling a few offending items temporarily from shelves.) In addition to Jinkx & Dela tees, Target also offers T-shirts for raunchy drag duo Trixie & Katya and a dragster who goes by the name of Alaska.
Then there’s Target’s partnership with Erik Carnell, a U.K.-based LGBTQ designer, whose merch portfolio includes enamel pins, iron-on patches, and T-shirts adorned with the Satanic goat’s head and the slogan “Satan Respects Pronouns.” Another charming Carnell item features a viper sinking its fangs into a female hand, with the inscription “Bite TERFs.” TERFs are “trans-exclusionary radical feminists,” whom transgender activists hate almost as much as they hate Christians. Still another offering from Carnell is an enamel pin with a miniature guillotine inscribed with “Homophobe Headrest.” These and other non-subtle messages, such as a pin with a lighter and the message, “Burn Down the Cis-Tem” and two crossed axes inscribed with “Fight for Trans Rights,” just might lead a reasonable person to surmise that Carnell might have hatred, rage, and violence issues. Oh, but no! The “fact checkers” at The Washington Post, USAToday, and the other usual suspect outlets rushed to divert their dwindling audiences of the brain dead by assuring them that these items were not being sold at Target. It was poor Carnell who is the victim here, said the WaPo writer, his dreams of commercial success dashed by “right-wing” extremists who caused Target to pull his merchandise.
It might be true that those particular Carnell items were not sold by Target (we don’t know for sure because of Target’s record of fibbing). But, as with the drag queen T-shirts, Target management surely knows that it is mainstreaming degeneracy and hatred of, and violent attitudes toward, Christianity, “heteronormativity,” and “cis” culture. Not only is this wrong, but is it not also at variance with their commitment to “inclusivity”?
More recently, Target has partnered with a creepy trans militant named Erik Thompson, who goes by the name of “gaycruella” on Instagram. His Instagram homepage motto states: “Not all villains are the antagonist darling.~? Be your best bad bitchy beautiful self and go rip that old world to shreds.” In a pre-Thanksgiving Instagram post that has since been removed, Thompson/gaycruella triumphantly gushed: “Honored to get to start a new body of work and lead Target’s LGBTQIA+ multicultural merchandising strategy and Pride businesses for the company and the LGBTQIA+ & Allied communities across the the [sic] nation.” And, he/she/whatever further quipped, “Time to whip out the Glitter & Hellfire flamethrowers and rip that old world to shreds darlings.” How apropos for Christmas, eh Target?
Target: Kid Grooming Books OK, Conservative Books NOT
Besides its transgender bathroom policy and its pro-homosexual marriage position, the thing that has most outraged and activated parents, grandparents, and pastors is Target’s continuing sale and promotion of children’s storybooks and teen books aimed at grooming for the LGBTQ “lifestyle.” Here is a sampling of what we’re talking about in the Target groomer category:
Mama and Mommy and Me in the Middle by Nina Lacour
Julián Is a Mermaid by Jessica Love
The Book of Pride by Mason Funk
All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M Johnson
The Pronoun Book by Chris Ayala-Kronos
Bye Bye, Binary by Eric Geron
Non-Binary Lives by Jos Twist & Meg-John Barker & Kat Gupta & Ben Vincent
A Kids Book about Being Non-Binary by Hunter Chinn-Raicht
A Witch’s Guide to Fake Dating a Demon by Sarah Hawley
Non-Binary Code by Keith E Burns
Self-Care Workbook for Non-Binary Teens by Michelle Mann
Target stubbornly continues to promote these and similar books despite the mutilation and butchery it is encouraging among thousands of youngsters and despite the outpouring of public opposition and massive exodus of customers. However, it took only a single tweet two years ago from an anonymous transexual activist who goes by the moniker “Ten” (and whose X photo sports multiple facial piercings, pentagram earrings, and a satanic Baphomet medallion) and a tweet from the notorious transexual militant named Chase Strangio to cause Target to ban Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, the best seller by Abigail Shrier. Strangio is a strange specimen indeed. He/she/whatever is a longtime staff attorney and the “Deputy Director for Transgender Justice” at the ACLU, the century-old “liberal” organization founded by top Stalinist officials of the Communist Party (Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Louis Budenz, Agnes Smedley, Harry F. Ward, William Z. Foster, and Roger Baldwin) as a faux defender of the Constitution that has instead worked assiduously for its destruction.
“Abigail Shrier’s book is a dangerous polemic with a goal of making people not trans,” Strangio tweeted. “We have to fight these ideas,” the ACLU’s commissar of censorship and cancelation shrieked, before dramatically concluding, “Stopping the circulation of this book and these ideas is 100% a hill I will die on.” Great bravado, Strangio, but G.I. Joe or Audie Murphy you ain’t; just another censorious, totalitarian Feliks Dzerzhinsky wannabe. Shrier’s book was not the only one banned. Target also banned The End of Gender by Dr. Debra Soh.
Why Is Target Doing This?
The big question that conservatives and Christians continue to ask is “Why?” Why do Target executives so adamantly refuse to back off of a radical LGBTQ agenda that is so obviously offensive to the vast majority of the company’s customers (as well as former and potential customers) and also clearly hostile to the company’s investors and profitability. Well, it’s not simply because they are “tone deaf” or “idiotic,” as some commentators suggest, or because they have been terrorized into submission by the noisy, obnoxious Sodomy Lobby, or because they “stupidly” believe the gender bender/gender blender demographic represents a larger and more profitable client base than the traditional, binary, heteronormative family cohort — you know, Dad, Mom, kids — that is now derogated by the effete elites as the outmoded “Ozzie and Harriet” family lifestyle.
Pressure From Above, Pressure from Below
Those truly interested in discovering the motives for Target’s corporate “wokeness” need to first understand the company’s entanglement with the “Great Reset” of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the ESG (Environment, Social, Corporate Governance) standards and SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) of the United Nations. Critically connected with that WEF-ESG-SDG-UN matrix are members of Target’s board of directors, who are members of the world government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and/or are active in the WEF, the Aspen Institute, the Atlantic Council, and other globalist organizations committed to “transforming” the United States into a submissive building block in their planned New World Order. They, along with their media allies, apply pressure from above (and within) while the screaming LGBTQ berzerkers and NGOs militants apply pressure from below (and without). Along these lines, another critically important element of the pressure from above/within is the outsized clout that the big Wall Street investment firms now hold with regard to Target and other major companies. Nasdaq reported in January of this year that investment behemoth BlackRock owned (at that time) 34.28 million shares of Target Corporation. “This represents 7.4% of the company,” according to the report. Other major fund owners of Target included, according to Nasdaq, Capital World Investors — 17,319,596 shares, representing 3.76 percent ownership of the company; Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund — 13,724,616 shares, representing 2.98 percent ownership; Bank of America — 12,914,655 shares, representing 2.81 percent ownership; Vanguard 500 Index Fund — 10,511,486 shares, representing 2.28 percent ownership; Wells Fargo — 10,133,971 shares representing 2.20 percent ownership of the company. All of the above funds — which hold more than 21 percent of Target’s stock — are aggressive pushers of the WEF-ESG-SDG-UN agenda. It’s pretty much the same story for other infamously woke corporations: Disney, Anheuser-Busch, Hershey’s, NFL, NBA, Adidas, Apple, Microsoft, and hundreds more.
Will Consumer Boycotts Push Target Back Into Line?
Christian, conservative, and pro-family organizations have been exerting pressure on Target with increasing effectiveness over the past year. The American Family Association and popular Daily Wire podcast host Matt Walsh (of What Is a Women? documentary fame) have been among those leading the boycott counteroffensive against the Target LGBTQ grooming agenda. Is it working? In one sense, yes. It has caused a huge drop in sales and market value, which is sending a loud message not only to Target, but to other companies as well. However, as we have reported above, Target has made minimal efforts to placate conservatives, while remaining committed to celebrating LGBTQ “Pride” not only the entire month of June, but “all year long” — including, of course, at Christmas.
Target execs are betting that the boycotts will peter out, as they usually do, and that shoppers will return. However, Target’s latest round of anti-Christian, pro-pervert bigotry could (and should) push millions more Christian-conservative-pro-family consumers to abandon the offending retailer to shop elsewhere, not just temporarily, and not just until the company makes a token change or two, but until Target makes serious changes to both leadership and policies. For this level of change to occur, though, the boycott efforts not only must be sustained but must include investor engagement as well. “Corporations can get away with this insanity because conservatives simply do not engage,” says Christian financial analyst, writer, and commentator Jerry Bowyer. “What would happen if more investors actually got involved, attending meetings and voting on proxies and talking to IR [investor relations] departments instead of just ranting on Facebook?” he asks. Bowyer has done just that, with impressive results. A great many more of us should be doing the same, or at least voting with our dollars by taking our commerce to places of business that are not hostile to Christ. If we as Christians fail to demonstrate at least the same zeal for our Holy Faith that the sodomites and globalists show for their Christophobic cult, we will deserve to lose the blessings of Almighty God.
Read more at: TheNewAmerican.com
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conspiracy, culture wars, demonic, evil, gay mafia, gender confused, gender issues, Globalism, identity politics, insanity, left cult, LGBT, Liberal Mob, Libtards, outrage, products, propaganda, Resist, revolt, social justice, Target, transgenderism, transhumanism, Twisted, woke mob, wokies
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